Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I have a thing for dead trees and dormant plants or those old trees without leaves. But I feel sorry for this just-trimmed pine tree next to a bushy one with a bunch of green needles.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Foggy Afternoon

Baguio in thick fog

One cannot help but feels like an angel on top of a mountain embraced by clouds.

This picture was taken on the same day as when my entry on July 8 was taken. It's amazing how the weather in Baguio changes like bipolar. The sun was shining brightly a couple of hours before this.  In spite of it being unpredictable, I love this place. I call it a second home.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pond Bridges

Pond bridge at BenCab

There is something about garden bridges that fascinates me so much. They seem to give a touch of tranquility and beauty.

This bridge is over the pond at BenCab Museum in Asin. The view is made more dramatic by the low-lying thick fog.   

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Trees of Green, Skies of Blue

Camp John Hay, Baguio City

The blue sky and bright sun with a slight breeze here in Baguio makes anyone feel like staying in this place forever.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Batirol Light

Every kiosk at the Tsokolate de Batirol at John Hay in Baguio has a hanging batirol light in it. I do not really know how they call those light fixtures, I just made that up.

Batirol  is a Cebuano word for a small pot used for cooking chocolate drink, shaped like an urn.

I call it that way because it looks like one, an upside-down batirol. It is creatively painted with the stripe design of the handwoven clothing of the Igorots. It also gives support to the bulb. Although it does not illuminate just like most lamp fixtures do, it provides a great lighting to the kiosk space.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Luneta rides: US-inspired Carruaje

US-inspired carruaje going around Luneta

The Philippines is not under the US rule anymore, but the Americano presence is still apparently found around the corners of this country. This is evident in this carruaje ride in Manila. Well, among others.

Some would say it's colonial mentality, but I do not dare challenge that topic in this blog. It's a trait etched in the culture and most likely it cannot be shaken off even by the most patriotic citizens from this generation to the next.

But today, cuatro de julio, just for fun, I think it's a seasonally-appropriate time to take this US-flag inspired carriage and go around the park.